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性爱姿势 HBO遭黑客入侵 《职权的游戏》脚本据称被盗 - 无毛嫩萝莉小鸟酱
性爱姿势 HBO遭黑客入侵 《职权的游戏》脚本据称被盗
发布日期:2024-10-31 19:55    点击次数:82


HBO遭黑客入侵 《职权的游戏》脚本据称被盗

HBO has joined the ranks of Hollywood entertainment companies to suffer a major cyber attack. 继好莱坞文娱公司之后,HBO也成为黑客膺惩指标。

EW has learned that upcoming episodes of a couple series and at least one alleged script or treatment have been put online by hackers who breached the company's systems — with more threatened to be coming soon. 据《文娱周刊》报谈,黑客侵入HBO公司系统,将几部电视剧的待播剧集以及至少一份所谓的电视剧脚本或脚本发布在网上,还胁迫称接下来将公布更多现实。


"HBO recently experienced a cyber incident, which resulted in the compromise of proprietary information. We immediately began investigating the incident and are working with law enforcement and outside cyber-security firms. Data protection is a top priority at HBO, and we take seriously our responsibility to protect the data we hold. " “HBO最近资历的一次收集进攻事件导致版权臣府泄漏。事发后咱们坐窝张开造访,咫尺正在与法则东谈主员和外部收集安全公司密切协作。数据保护是HBO的重中之重,咱们荒谬敬重这一攀扯。”

Hackers claimed to have obtained 1.5 terabytes of data from the company. So far, an upcoming episode of Ballers and Room 104 have apparently been put online. There is also written material that's allegedly from next week's fourth episode of Game of Thrones. 黑客声称他们从HBO窃取了约1.5TB的数据。为止咫尺,还是被发布到网上的现实包括尚未播出的《球手们》与《104号房间》的剧集资源,以及所谓的下周行将播出的《职权的游戏》第四集笔墨贵府。

HBO遭黑客入侵 《职权的游戏》脚本据称被盗

HBO is not commenting on what content might have been stolen, confirming specific titles or the amount of data accessed. HBO chairman and CEO Richard Plepler sent an email on Tuesday to HBO employees alerting them of the breach. HBO并莫得暗意哪些现实可能被窃取了,也莫得显现具体的剧名或被入侵数据限制。HBO总裁兼首席奉行官理查德•普莱普勒1日发邮件辅导职工这次数据泄漏事件。

"As most of you have probably heard by now, there has been a cyber incident directed at the company which has resulted in some stolen proprietary information, including some of our programming. “好多东谈主可能还是别传了,咱们公司遭受了一次收集进攻事件,甚至某些版权臣府被盗,其中包括咱们的一些节目。”

"Any intrusion of this nature is obviously disruptive, unsettling, and disturbing for all of us. I can assure you that senior leadership and our extraordinary technology team, along with outside experts, are working round the clock to protect our collective interests. “此类入侵步履显着具有阻挠性,让咱们忧心忡忡、备受困扰。我向诸君保证,高层辅导和优秀时间团队,以及外部群众正在为了保护公司的集体利益而一夜职责。”

"The efforts across multiple departments have been nothing short of herculean. It is a textbook example of quintessential HBO teamwork. The problem before us is unfortunately all too familiar in the world we now find ourselves a part of. As has been the case with any challenge we have ever faced, I have absolutely no doubt that we will navigate our way through this successfully." “多个部门还是共同付出广泛竭力。这是HBO团队协作的典范。厄运的是,咱们咫尺遇到的问题在咫尺这个时期频频发生。正如咱们也曾濒临过的任何挑战同样,我荒谬敬佩咱们将奏凯处置。”

On Sunday, an anonymous email was sent to many reporters announcing the hack: "Hi to all mankind. The greatest leak of cyber space era is happening. What's its name? Oh I forget to tell. Its HBO and Game of Thrones……!!!!!! You are lucky to be the first pioneers to witness and download the leak. Enjoy it & spread the words. Whoever spreads well, we will have an interview with him. HBO is falling." 黑客31日通过匿名邮件向多位媒体东谈主公布这次入侵步履,邮件中写谈:“你们好啊。互联网时期最大的一次泄漏正在到来,是谁呢?我忘了,哦对,是HBO和《职权的游戏》!!!!!!你们很庆幸,能最初见证并下载到泄漏数据。好好享受并把这个音书共享出去吧,谁传播的越广咱们就领受谁的采访哦。HBO要雕零了。”

It's not clear if the hackers actually have what would be the crown jewel target for an HBO cyber breach - upcoming episodes of the company's biggest hit, Game of Thrones. So far, no GoT episodes have leaked. 咫尺不成细目黑客是否真是通过HBO的收集间隙窃取到厚爱资源——该公司最火的电视剧《权游》的待播剧集。到咫尺为止,《权游》的剧集资源尚未遭到泄漏。


For years, HBO has fought a cyber-battle to keep Game of Thrones storylines secret and the show's content from being illegally distributed — particularly before episodes air. HBO为《权游》的剧情藏匿和防盗版职责开展了数年的网上交游,特出是在剧集播出之前。

In season 5, the first four episodes leaked online before the show's season premiere after review DVDs that were sent to the press and industry insiders. HBO has since halted the practice of sending any episodes in advance. 新闻界和业内东谈主士在该剧第5季首播之前收到了预览版DVD,之后前四集现实就被泄漏到网上。HBO因此罢手了提前送出任何剧集DVD的作念法。

That same year, some clips leaked ahead of time from overseas HBO distributors, and even images of Jon Snow's death found their way online before the finale aired. 同庚,HBO国外刊行商将该剧部分片断提前泄漏,在临了一集播出前,琼恩•雪诺示寂的画面就还是传到了网上。

英文开首:《文娱周刊》 翻译&剪辑:董静 审校:丹妮性爱姿势

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